#19 Second Wave

One of the greatest things about the twenties as we embark on our adult life in my humble opinion is the process of constant change and learning and the blessing of being aware of it all. Certainly, there will be tough times when we’ll just be grateful if we were able to handle our roller coaster emotions. The lost times when we can’t grasp a bit of what or why this is all happening. This resonates with some words I’ve heard about psychological traumas earlier this week. Trauma hits a person in a two waves, blows or collisions. It is similar to what we’ve studied in physics when we used to calculate the force of the free falling body. As well as what explains the organ damage in a body which fell off a great height. The first collision with the ground, the first shock, it is found that it solely causes the shattering of the skeletal bones. However, the actual organ damage happens as a result of the rebound, that precedes the second collision with the ground. This model typically applies to how we face various degrees of traumatic experiences, and how it’s a complicated process that is influenced by wide range of factors. Our ability to handle the first collision directly impacts our healing process and our readiness to rise up again and confront the raw reality of our surroundings. We are not in the driver’s seat to blame ourselves for the cause of the first collision. It will inevitably happen and we can not control it. We can’t deter or obscure this fact. Yet, we are in charge of how we get ourselves through it, the handling and management is totally in our hands. This is the change we should be held accountable for. The process of intellectualizing and digesting the lessons, the signals, the meanings behind the first collision, knowing for a fact that we can be in utter ignorance about the why’s behind it all. Accepting this fact is an integral part of the wise handling of the first collision that further paves our healing journey. It’s a dynamic process that constantly shape shifts, but every first collision hits us intricately and it never misses its target, and we should never miss how it could transform us to a better version of ourselves, how it could open our eyes and reveal some of our points of strength we had no idea it existed. True transformation is the hidden gem of the first collision, that needs our time and attention to lean back and reflect upon what is happening so that we can capture whatever is necessary to alleviate the shock of the second collision. One right step can save you. The lessons are meant for your own good. Be present always for everything along the way. Don’t fear risking the sure thing if it is not what you deeply want. Don’t resist the first wave swim your way through it. The gentle wave is coming up your way.

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