#17 The 25th Mark

(Disclaimer: birthday rant coming up)

How can I seek being a good human? It’s a question I pray to constantly revisit and give it some significant thought. A question that allows me to begin again and start over, and shows me ways of guidance when I’m lost. A question that opens doors and sheds light when I’m in dire need to really see and take a step forward. A question that holds infinite answers and no definite answer at all. A question that promotes growth mindsets and redirection of perspectives. A question that drags you out of any comfort zone while setting your heart at peace simultaneously. A question that is the truest initial step you actively take when you’re anxious about your influence on your surroundings, your print, your mark in this world. Goodness, kindness and grace are essentially the core of any true impact you see and you want to be in this life.

Everything we aim to be good at in life is fundamentally nothing but a practice. Ironically enough, we need to voluntarily choose to put small consistent efforts in being good at being good. Practicing the art of noticing is one beautiful easy way to start. You know the moments when life makes you cross paths with some people whom you’re so grateful for how much they’ve influenced your life, for the light they’ve brought you and for how good they make you feel about yourselves. Be it family, friends, teachers, colleagues, or a stranger you met unexpectedly. They all share the good impact on you. Surprisingly, these people don’t fathom how great they are, how they’ve restored your belief in the existence of good hearts that genuinely show you goodness unconditionally and with no hidden agendas. They all triggered the desire inside you to look up to them in life. They’ve brightened up your canvas with light blossoming shades when it was all dull and healed something you both did not even know it was broken. 

It’s later in your life when these small acts of kindness will ripple and make an evident effect that you could detect, sense and track down to these precious moments that made you who you are today. Back then when you were in the moment, you just lived it and it is the best thing to do with a moment. You lived, noticed, observed and took mental pictures of it all. The role of the grateful analyst comes up later when you’re required to take an action, and you choose to base it upon some impact that you didn’t know it existed in the first place. You feel grateful for how everything had led you to where you are today and for this moment of realization that your life is perfectly planned by the Greatest Planner, your Creator and that everything is really in your favor specially when you don’t see it. You have to trust that it will all eventually fall into place. That it’s all meant for your own good and to bring out every good inside you. 

The good mark is hard work, a true influence, an everlasting impact that keep transcending from one human who once chose to hold on his innately created good heart, to the next so that his good mark take a share in the chain of good humanity. 

So, keep it going…

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