#16 Detox

2024 is my first year to experience Ramadan and Eid as an employee and unlocked with it a new taste of gartitude towards free time. However, getting back to our daily routines that are already changing and finding our ways back after a month of alterations can be a lot for our minds to digest. Experiencing the withdrawal symptoms upon getting this time out of your systems can sometimes be discouraging specially if you were like super disciplined before this period. So, a simple detox plan can come in handy, and everyone should curate his own genuine one, yet they should all be composed of small acts. Baby steps. Gradually tricking our minds to getting to physically train again, read again, write again, eat healthy again. Small consistent acts are the key without being harsh on ourselves, but kindly embracing the fact that we’re humans and that change is the only constant. That we owe it to ourselves to live every moment just as it is. That we can at anytime begin again and even start it all over if it is necessary. Seasons changing come with falling leaves and exposes other green growing ones.

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