#13 Panic Attack

I wasn’t sure whether if I was ready to let this experience out in words, but I have to even if it happened weeks ago. I am responsible for my well-being, for reminding myself that as a cliché as it sounds but for a fact everything passes, that you don’t deserve to allow yourself to suffer, that it’s okay to feel so down, literally paralysed by anger and misery that turn to uncontrolled tears till you sleep it all away. It’s unfathomable. It’s ugly but it’s temporary. And yes it’s true we attract the vibe that encompasses us, we hold the key to our cage of imprisoning thoughts, and no one can free us but us. It’s your innate humane nature to be vulnerable and really feel what you’re going through, so embrace this chance because it’s the first way out of the cage. It is okay for the curve to drop, but never allow it to go flat…

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