#11 Firsts

Beginnings have a unique beauty, a beauty that you experience differently knowing quite well that it’s all ephemeral. Yet, we tend to do it all again with our free will, we make new choices, we rise again and we embark on the new beginnings. I always fear change but the minute I take to reflect on a certain period of my life that has ended and brought so much change into me with it, I wholeheartedly thank God for this journey whatever it was.
Ramadan is a blessed time that reminds me with an integral why behind my writings, all of it. Every year I realize how blessed I am to experience it again and every year it comes with kind changes and growth and answered prayers. It’s a true gift and every year it comes a bit early to grant our hearts some peace and ease. It comes when it is most needed. Every year my main prayer before and during every day of Ramadan is to really dwell in to what this time has to offer me, to listen, to be present with all my senses, to slow down and focus on the consistency and quality of my actions rather than its quantity. To contain myself and not to get overwhelmed but to focus on my own journey, my own path towards seeking Allah’s pleasure, knowing that every step I take to gain his closeness is nothing but a blessing from him in the first place, and that everyone has to walk his own steps.
This year and every year, my focus is slow and steady. To be driven by self-discipline over motivation. And observing where would this lead me to. Embracing change with a smart grateful heart.

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