Heart-fainted Courage #7

Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.


Yesterday I came across the term ” faint of heart” while watching a random tiktok and I immediately began thinking about it from within. That coincided with me reading earlier this week about courage in David Whyte’ s ” Consolations” and going through some anxiety freezings and occasional tears, reminding myself with every step that this is all meant to be, it is all part of my healing, it is all meant to unleash my potential and drive me closer to my purpose, resurfacing my intentions for goodwill.

Courage arises from your space of consciousness. Those quiet moments you allow yourself to take to just notice how things are appearing on their own, allowing them in to shake you and realign themselves. This heartfelt moments of vulnerability is the trigger for your maturity. However, resisting our human nature, our inherent emotions, denying who we truly are, silencing our hearts is nothing but a disguised process of deprivation of one’s rights and privileges of being human. Courage is not a grind, it’s not meant to ensnare your soul. Courage is dynamic, it shapeshifts and directly emblemize your growth, and no growth graph is ever linear. Courage is accepting the setbacks, and questioning the exponential raises. Courage is adjusting and showing up everyday to the small acts that bring your soul the light it needs to fuel up your shattered exhausted heart again. Courage is having all your heartfelt emotions tested midst the turbulence of everyday. Courage is the willingness to risk your heart to face what might break it, to witness it all and still choose your humanity. Courage is to fathom that it is your moral obligation to stand for what truly matters to you, to step into everyday rechecking with your intentions to make someone happier and lessen someone’s suffering. Courage is being present and that is the immense wisdom of being human.
The heart is a beautifully created unique muscle in the human body. Its cells are created to constantly beat and continously pump blood to circulate to all other organs to function. It beats on its own. Our bodies are created to maintain us in survival mode, its our duty to slow down and catch our breath, feel a beat. Exercising, movement, stepping out of our comfort zones keep our hearts healthy. In other words, we literally need some pain to challenge us and keep us healthy and on track.
Capturing the meaning behind the misfortunes that strike us with varying degrees is pointless. Most of the times it’s ineffable. Trust and hope is what we should hold onto instead. Knowing that everything is circulating in its course, we all exist in a state of poignant impermenance. Everything is portrayed in ebb and flow. Embracing every state is the gatekeeper of the healing journey that is life. Being actively present in each moment. De optimizing what you are used to do, revisiting the basics and finding something new. Adopting the beginner mentality. Showing up to every small quotidian act, with a good heartfelt intention and doing it right from your soul.
Stay courageous. Keep going…
This week’s goodness…

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