The Haze #5

When you reach the end of what you should know,
You will be at the beginning of what you should sense.

Khalil Gibran

Listening to Ash’s new track ” haze” from his latest album ” self discovery” as I’m typing my first words that fall this week between the ends and the beginnings. I kept thinking of a way to manage tying up all loose ends of last week of January, till I was struck during yoga practice by how simple yet so profound the influence of the self check moment. How do I feel? midst the haze of all the thoughts, all the new stuff, all the to do lists, all what I think I know, how do I really feel, how I’m being present with my days, my moments, the ones that would really count at the end and remain to tell stories. The imponderabilia of our lives…

Imponderabilia: things that cannot be precisely determined, measured, or evaluated

The greatest moments of our lives will only be identified not by getting it all figured out or convincing ourselves we know everything that is right. We won’t fathom most of it, it maybe unfair sometimes, but they can’t be evaded. I deeply believe that everyone has his own genuine personal secret characteristic that turns an ordinary moment into a great one. It keeps altering as we go about our lives but we know it’s there. However, what all our great moments share is that we were there present living them, witnessing them, feeling them and marking them as great.
I am grateful, so grateful for this moment right now, for writing, for being human, for having a mind and a heart trying to be more aware, for cultivating time to portray some of myself through words, for taking a leap with this blog. For showing up in the haze. For curating what I appreciate most in life and summoning up my energy to get it done specially when it’s hard. For prayers. For coffee. For salads. For my warm bed in the cold. For having a roof above my head when it’s pouring outside. For my health and connections.
I am grateful for the expansion and length that I’ve noticed accompanying my life lately in various ways. Time stretches to fit most of what I need to do. I adjust many times and I do it with copious ease. I always remind myself of the significance of showing up to whatever I know its light will spark brighter for my future self. Every small act of kindness I do to myself today will ripple and echo. As I quote Anthony Doerr, everything has a sound, you just have to listen, and the most important light is all the light we cannot see.
Always remember the present moment is all you’ve got. Don’t imprison yourself as a victim for the past’s futile haze nor let insensible future anxiety paralyze you. One step at a time. One moment at a time. A space created within a moment is your only connection to the coming one. In the middle of all the haze…

So as I march from January to February, I am redirecting my prayers to focus more about how I exist, how I am being present. I pray that everyday would unfold a new meaning for me on how to be alive and guide me to the truth of my greatest moments.

No matter how great a moment could be, nothing would ever surpass the greatness of the human’s self transformation journey. The moment you catch yourself making progress, going places, getting better, evolving and shifting. This is your true great moment. Hold on to it through every other hazzy shady moment and climb back right at it. To another great moment. They keep coming as you follow them.

This week’s good things…

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