Disorder #4

I would love to live like a river flows,
Carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.


Different setting, pushed hard through the day to find some precious time for myself. Different cup of coffee, my own at home today, instant coffee in my favorite mug these days. Yet, they all share the same fact of me being present, showing up for myself against all odds with what it is and watching it all unravel. I was desperately in need to be reminded by the great value this simple weekly act of writing represents to me and how it fuels up my whole week. This determines the true quality of my days for me, it’s my way to practice the gratitude for the blessing of being alive. I caught myself so vexed about what to write, I had nothing in mind, all blank. But, I just sat down and started typing and that was all I needed. To remember to show up, to make time for what matters to me, for what truly sparks the light in me. Ostensibly, not all days should revolve around filling you up with joy. In fact, as you grow up and become more in charge, it’s easier for you to lose sight of yourself in the process, to withdraw from that light. Don’t forget you’re equally responsible to hold yourself accountable for being present and alive in every moment.
Being grateful for both sides of everything in this life is the true essence of being present. No one will ever have it all figured out and perfect. Everyone has his own share of challenges and suffering. The point is we’re all having our true colors and qualities tested in the process. Both health and sickness are a blessing and are meant to drive us towards more gratitude and to work on bringing out the better versions of ourselves. It’s a paradoxical beauty. One would never appreciate the light if it weren’t for the darkness. Everything comes in pairs and opposites, and we’re meant to live and appreciate both sides, always.
The super productive days and the rest days or when you’re really sick and can’t lift a finger. The warmth and the cold. The sun and the rain. The light and the shadow. The action and the stillness. Nothing is haphazard. It’s all designed perfectly to exist on your canvas. It is all there for you to take notice and observe and appreciate. It is all out there for you to experience, and create more experiences.
Every small act you do, a small decision you take, a habit to show up to just one thing but you hold on to it consistently, trust that they all add up eventually to something really great. Just ride with what you’re at right now and dive inward with every step along the way. Ask questions. Don’t be swept away from what really matters. Keep an eye on what you find yourself escaping to. Your escapes are an invincible part of your being and they directly embody the quality of your life and definitely mark your stance. If you slip up, embrace your fallouts. Roll with being in disorder for a while and sync in with what you’ve got. Your share of knowledge about the dynamics of life is really small. Always humble yourself upon this fact and stay curious to ask more questions and take space from your center to your surroundings. Stay curious about yourself and everything else. The ebb and flow of your presence. Your strengths, your weaknesses. Your rigidness and flexibility. Your development mentally, physically and emotionally will only take course and flow when you allow yourself to test your curiosity and be present with all you’ve got and risk what you think you know about yourself to unfold even more and more sides about your truth. And it does change…
One moment, it will make sense. You’ll feel the effect of the ripple action your choices were doing. One moment is the window for the next and the next. Everything has its course and cycle of being. One moment you’re a senior, you think you know everything that is to exist about your field. The next you’re bumped in the face being welcomed as the newest TA in your department or speciality where you need to work your ass off to sort things out and just gain a little more understanding of whatever new your life is offering you. Appreciate being a student, having the opportunity to learn and ask questions. Don’t take it for granted. Study and don’t lose yourself in the process. Remember your escapes. They are there for you to loosen your grip off of what you think you should handle, to lose yourself and ground it simultaneously. To dig inward and establish more self awareness. Take care of yourself and what you bring to your world. When you show up in attempt to unfold your own being, everything else falls in place in its own perfect set time.
Your setting will inevitably change. Don’t stress out. Being in disorder can be a blessing and a drive toward more goodness. Embrace it and flow. Constantly. With what it is. At the moment. Because that is all what you have to do. And you’re living in what you once prayed for. Set your heart at peace. Keep your calm. Move and be grounded in gratitude of the moment.

This week’s good things

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