Friday Flatwhite #2

” Whatever inspiration is, it’s born from a continuous ” I don’t know”.”

Wisława Szymborska

The future is scary. If you give it the power over your brain. Worrying about how life would be, how would you ever provide to reach your aspirations in this life. Our brains are created to deal with the present moment, to maintain our survival, its complexity lies in how simple it teaches us to adapt and live, so whenever you dump your futile rhetoric questions. It will inevitably freeze.
The whole world waxing lyrical about that Carpe diem. It’s ostensibly real. No matter what your circumstances are, being aware, being present is the raw experience. It all stems from within your space whatever is that to you. That space from where you sink in the role of the observer.

First time watching dead poets society and I loved it

Speaking of alignment, last week’s daily yoga flows mantras perfectly resonated for my mental state every single day. I don’t have a clue why particularly it had been so physically hard for me to lift myself off of bed and get going. But I am so grateful for my self talk that pushed me through each and every day.
It was not the motive nor my emotional well being which did the job or get the bare minimum done for me, but rather the promise I made myself, the facts I know for sure behind sticking to the standards I set for myself.
Be it my daily readings, the reflections I casually add to my mobile notes, keeping track with my prayers, cooking for myself, working out, even the everything care shower and my Friday solo coffee dates, picking a cute outfit for that and not saving it for a better day. Eating that bagel I promised myself all week. That first sip of flatwhite first thing on a Friday morning after prayer.

Sunset sky over beautiful Zezenia

I constantly pray to be granted Allah’s light in every aspect of my life. But recently I’ve come to realise that chasing that light, really asking for it comes with my part of showing up as well. Nothing huge but a small step every single day will seal the deal and will eventually cover you in the light you really need.
Show up and else will be unraveled someday. Small consistent actions with positive mental talk each day will certainly take you places. You owe it to yourself. Show up in whatever state you are.
What do I bring to the world? to my surroundings in both the smaller and greater senses. What do I give and how should I do it best? Being alive is not a luxury to be taken for granted, nor a burden to endure. Engaging ourselves in regular activities that literally revive our souls, our sense of purpose, awakens the hidden meanings and renews our good intentions, this is our responsibility to be actively alive and to effectively relish in the process.

Currently reading “Us Against You” #2 Beartown and that’s my wholy devoured friday flatwhite

We keep waiting and longing for that one true transformative experience that would magically pop out on our ways and sets everything right, bring us back to life. A magical place to travel, a love story, a material possession. we keep chasing these things thinking of the eternal happiness we’ll feel, the peace we’ll find when we successfully acquire what we think will grant us happiness.
The truth is happiness is a myth. It’s overrated. It’s ephemral. Purpose is the character of this life. The actual hidden gem. Leading our days with it. Shifting gears to accommodate the change it inevitably puts us through. This is the true experience. This is what life is all about. Everything comes to it, the joys, the struggles, the achievemts, the failures. Everything.
We just have to be aware and to align ourselves to purpose. Bending and flowing towards the light the way plants do. And every other creature.

Week’s goodness

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