
Hello, this is Farha.

I love my name, books and coffee. For always reminding me to channel the extraordinary experience lying deep in the heart of our seemingly most ordinary mundane days.

oh! and sunsets and cloudy skies and the sea and the moon, every phase of it. And yoga, and music and icecream, and the smell of bakeries, and anything sprinkled with cinnamon.

I seriously can’t stop…

So, this is me just an ordinary girl walking through her 20s with a mind overflowing with thoughts, constantly hunting for good stories. Humbly documenting parts of it.

”We become visible and real when we give our gift and stop waiting for the gift to be given to us ”.

David Whyte


#20 Lightly

On the 20th mark I think it’s worthy to remind myself to take things lightly. And I mean to really take everything lightly. To reside sometime and relish in the role of the observer, not in a passive sense but as a humble necessary invitation to flow and firmly believe that everything is going my…

#19 Second Wave

One of the greatest things about the twenties as we embark on our adult life in my humble opinion is the process of constant change and learning and the blessing of being aware of it all. Certainly, there will be tough times when we’ll just be grateful if we were able to handle our roller…

#18 Transitions

“Change is the only constant” is one reminder I always keep pinned at the back of my mind specially when I catch myself going down the rabbit hole of anxious overthinking. I remind myself that change is an integral element of our growth, and accepting this fact as we flow along with our lives shifts…

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